Home.Food Safety and Quality

Food borne risks are the most significant challenge facing the food industry; mitigating these risks is the primary focus of Elite Spice. The safety and quality of agricultural foods begins with the farmer and continues through consumption. However, manufacturing and food safety standards in many growing regions around the globe do not meet the expectations of U.S. food manufacturers, regulators or consumers. Elite has strong relationships with growers and suppliers around the world which enhances the purity and safety of our imported raw materials. Upon delivery, raw spices are treated with validated systems to eliminate pathogens and reduce microbial loads. Our manufacturing equipment is custom engineered to include integral cleaning systems to remove unwanted physical impurities and other foreign material. Most importantly, microbial reduction, cleaning, processing and packaging occur under our direct control within our U.S. based manufacturing operations.
The quality and consistency of our spice and seasoning products are assured since Elite maintains control of the manufacturing process. Elite’s commitment to quality is supported by its fully equipped quality assurance laboratories which are capable of conducting a myriad of tests and evaluations on both raw and finished goods.
Quality Statement:
Elite Spice, Inc. manufactures and supplies pure, safe, quality food products. All Elite Spice products are manufactured to meet established specifications as well as to comply with U.S. Federal regulations and applicable food safety laws. Elite Spice employees are dedicated to providing the safest, highest quality products and services to our customers.